Lucee Function Reference


Capitalizes the first character of the given string.


ucfirst(string string,[boolean doAll,[boolean doLowerIfAllUppercase]]):string




The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
string string  Yes the input string  
doAll boolean  No If true, then every word is capitalized, where a new word is defined as alpha characters that come after whitespace, a dot [.], a dash [-], or (parenthesis).
This is especially useful to clean up user input of names, e.g. converting a string like "susi q. sorgolis" to "Susi Q. Sorgolis"  
doLowerIfAllUppercase boolean  No If true, then if the input string contains letters and they are all UPPERCASE, then the input string is first lower cased.
When combined with the doAll argument, this is especially useful to clean user input of names when they are all UPPERCASE, e.g. converting "SUSI Q. SORGOLIS" to
"Susi Q. Sorgolis" while preserving the CaSe if the input is e.g. "Ronald McDonald"