
Component Administrator

No description/hint found
Name Value
extends org.lucee.cfml.Component




The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
type String false
provider string true
id string true
version string false
change the current version to specific version


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
version string true
compiles the component mapping for any errors


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true virtual name for the component mapping to be compiled.
compiles the CTmapping for any errors


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true virtual name for the CTmapping to be compiled.
compiles the mapping for any errors


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true virtual name for the mapping to be compiled.
stopOnError boolean false


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
package string false
cfcNames any false
specifies the access of admin
creates new archieve for the mapping


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true virtual name for the mapping.
target string true
addCFMLFile boolean false Add all CFML Source Templates as well (.cfm,.cfc,.cfml).
addNonCFMLFile boolean false Add all Non CFML Source Templates as well (.js,.css,.gif,.png ...)


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true specifies the virtual name of the mapping to create archive
file string true specifies the path of the file
addCFMLFile boolean true Add all CFML Source Templates as well (.cfm,.cfc,.cfml).
addNonCFMLFile boolean true Add all Non CFML Source Templates as well (.js,.css,.gif,.png ...)


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true specifies the virtual name of the mapping to create archive
file string true specifies the path of the file
addCFMLFile boolean true Add all CFML Source Templates as well (.cfm,.cfc,.cfml).
addNonCFMLFile boolean true Add all Non CFML Source Templates as well (.js,.css,.gif,.png ...)


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true id of the web context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
target string true


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
provider string true
id string true
version string false
executes the task of given id


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true specifies the id of task to execute
returns the details about gateway


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true specifies the gateway id
gatewayAction string true specifies the action of gateway
returns API key
returns the listener details of application
returns the details of application settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
args any false
Key any false
default any false
returns all available locales
returns all available timezones
returns the details of bundle


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true specifies the name of the bundle
returns the list of bundles
returns the details of cache connections


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true specifies the name of the cache
returns the list of cache connections
returns charset information about current context
returns the details of compiler settings
returns the list of component information
returns the list of component mappings
returns the list of contexts
returns the list of contexts
returns the list of custom tag mappings
returns the details of custom tag settings
returns the datasource information for for current context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true Specifies the name of the datasource
returns the list of datasource driver details
returns the all the datasources defined for current context
returns Preserve single quotes (") settings
returns the debugging settings
returns the list of debug entries
returns the debug log settings
to get default password.
returns the details about error
returns the list of extension providers for current context.
returns the list of extensions for current context.
returns the list of FLD's
returns the list of gateway entries
returns the details of specified gateway entry


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true specifies the gateway id
returns the list of javaCFX tags
returns the details about local extension


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true specifies the id of local extension
returns the list of local extensions
returns the logged debug data
returns the Login settings
returns the list of log settings
returns a list mail servers defined for current context
returns mail settings for current context.
returns the details about mapping


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true specifies the virtual name for the mapping
returns the list of mappings defined for current context
returns the list of min versions available
returns the ORM engine details
returns the ORM settings
returns output settings for current context
returns the details of performance settings
returns the plugin directory path
returns the details of queue settings
returns Regional information about current context, this includes the locale, the timezone,a timeserver address and if the timeserver is used or not
returns the list of rest mappings
returns the rest settings
returns the details of scopes


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true id of the web context
returns the list of server extension
returns the list of SSL certificates


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
host string true specifies the host server name
returns the list of tasks
returns the details of task settings
returns the list of TLD's
returns the information about update details
to get hashedPassword.
constructor of the component


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
type string true type contex type, valid values are "server" or "web"
password string true password for current context
remoteClients string false
restart the list of patches available
removes all the task
removes the API key
remove a cache connection


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true name for the cache connection
removes the CFX tags


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true specifies the name of CFXtag
removes the component mappings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true specifies the virtual name of the component mappings
update exiting custom tag


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true The name is used as identifier when you automatically import a Lucee Archive build based on this Mapping.
removes a specific datasource defined for current context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
dsn string true name of the datasource to be removed from current context
removes a debug entry


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true id of the debug entry to be removed.
remove the default password.
removes(uninstall) a specific extension.


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true id of the extension to be removed
removes the extension provider for current context.


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
url string true URL to the Extension Provider (Example:
removes the gateway entry


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true id of the gateway to be removed
removes the Log settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true specifies the name of the log to remove
removes a specific mailserver defined for current context.


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
host string true hostname for the mail server to be removed.
username string true username of the mail server to be removed.
removes a mapping defined in current context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true virtual name for the mapping to be removed.
removes the ORM engine details
updates a rest mapping


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true virtual name for the rest mapping to be removed


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true id of the web context
removes the task of given id


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true specifies the id of task to remove
removes the update details
resets application listener
resets the common application settings
remove web specific charset settings and set back to server context settings, this function only works with type "web" and is ignored with type "server"
resets the compiler settings to its defaults.
resets the Preserve single quotes setting
resets the debugging settings
resets the debug log settings
resets the error template settings
reset the Security Key( In case this server is to be synchronized by another server, you have to enter the security key below in the distant definition of the remote client. )
resets the mail settings for current context
resets the ORM settings
resets output settings for current context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
contextPath string true contextPath for which password needs to be resetted.
resets the server caching settings
remove web specific regional settings and set back to server context settings, this function only works with type "web" and is ignored with type "server"
resets rest mapping settings
reset scope settings
resolves a single config arg wrapped with ${...} and returns the environment variable or system property with that name if exists, a default if set using the colon notation, or the arg name itself if neither exist


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
input string true
Takes a config JSON string that may contain environment varialbes or system properties and returns a JSONstring that replaces the variables with their values or defaults if exist


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
config string true
Restart the Lucee engine.
executes and run the update details


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
secType string true area for which access needs to be checked
secvalue string false specifies the sec value
splits a config string to an array separating the literal text from variables in the format ${VARIABLE_NAME:default}, e.g. the input string "/prefix${VARIABLE_NAME:default}/suffix" will return the array [ "/prefix", "${VARIABLE_NAME:default}", "/suffix" ]


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
conf string false
returns information about storage details


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
key string true specifies key name to get storage details
update the storage details


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
key string true specifies key name to update
value string true value to update for the specify key
helper function for substring from-to, as opposed to mid's from-count


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
input any false
from any false
to any false
updates the API key


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
key string true key to update
updates the application listener


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
type string false specifies the type of listener to update
mode string false specifies the mode of the listener
applicationPathTimeout numeric false
updates common application settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
requestTimeout timespan false Sets the amount of time the engine will wait for a request to finish before a request timeout will be raised.
scriptProtect string false secures your system from "cross-site scripting"
allowURLRequestTimeout boolean false Whether lucee needs to obey the URL parameter RequestTimeout or not
updates a cache connection


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
class string true class name for the cache connection
name string true name for the cache connection
custom struct false custom fields for the cache connection
bundleName string false bundle name for the cache connection
bundleVersion string false bundle version for the cache connection
default string false for which type, this cache is set to default
readonly boolean false whether this cache connection is readonly.
storage boolean false whether allow to use this cache as client/session storage.
updates the charset settings of current context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
resourceCharset string false default charset used for read/write resources (cffile,filewrite ...)
templateCharset string false default charset used for read CFML Templates (cfm,cfc)
webCharset string false default charset used for the response stream and for reading data from request
updates the compiler settings for lucee server


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
templateCharset string true Default characterset used to read templates (*.cfm and *.cfc files)
dotNotationUpperCase string true Convert all struct keys defined with "dot notation" to upper case or need to preserve case.
nullSupport boolean false If set, lucee has complete support for null, otherwise a partial null support.
suppressWSBeforeArg boolean false If set, Lucee suppresses whitespace defined between the "cffunction" starting tag and the last "cfargument" tag.
handleUnquotedAttrValueAsString boolean false Handle unquoted tag attribute values as strings.
externalizeStringGTE numeric false Externalize strings from generated class files to separate files.
preciseMath boolean false
updates component mapping settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
componentDumpTemplate string false If you call a component directly, this template will be invoked to dump the component.
componentDataMemberDefaultAccess string false Define the accessor for the data-members of a component. This defines how variables of the "this" scope of a component can be accessed from outside of the component., values available for this argument are [private,public,package,remote]
triggerDataMember boolean false If there is no accessible data member (property, element of the this scope) inside a component, Lucee searches for available matching "getters" or "setters" for the requested property.
useShadow boolean false Defines whether a component has an independent variables scope parallel to the "this" scope (CFML standard) or not.
componentDefaultImport string false this package definition is imported into every template.
componentLocalSearch boolean false Search relative to the caller directory for the component
componentPathCache boolean false Component path is cached and not resolved again
componentDeepSearchDesc boolean false Search for CFCs in the subdirectories of the "Additional Resources" below.
updates the component mappings settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true specifies as identifier when automatically import a Lucee Archive build based on this Mapping
physical string true specifies directory path where the components are located, this path should not include the package
archive string true specifies file path to a components Lucee Archive (.lar).
inspect string false checks for changes in the source file for an already loaded component
update the context directories


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
source string true specifies the source path to get data
destination string true specifies the destination filename
update exiting custom tag


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true The name is used as identifier when you automatically import a Lucee Archive build based on this Mapping.
physical string true Directory path where the custom tags are located.
archive string true File path to a custom tag Lucee Archive (.lar).
primary string false Defines where Lucee looks first for a requested custom tags
inspect string false When does Lucee checks for changes in the source file for an already loaded custom tags.
returns the details of custom tag settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
deepSearch boolean true Search for custom tags in subdirectories.
localSearch boolean true Search in the caller directory for the custom tag
customTagPathCache boolean true
extensions string true These are the extensions used for Custom Tags, in the order they are searched.
updates a specific datasource defined for current context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true name of the datasouce to be updated
type string true type of the datasource to be updated
newName string true target name to be replaced with current datasource name
host string true Host name where the database server is located
database string true Name of the database to connect
port numeric true The port to connect the database
username string true The username for the database
password string true The password for the database
timezone string false timezone of the database server
ConnectionLimit numeric false Restricts the maximum number of simultaneous connections at one time
ConnectionTimeout numeric false To define a time in minutes for how long a connection is kept alive before it will be closed
LiveTimeout numeric false
metaCacheTimeout numeric false To define how long Stored Procedures Meta Data are stored in cache
blob boolean false Enable binary large object retrieval (BLOB)
clob boolean false Enable long text retrieval (CLOB)
validate boolean false Validate the connection before use (only works with JDBC 4.0 Drivers)
storage boolean false Allow to use this datasource as client/session storage.
verify boolean false whether connection needs to be verified
allowedSelect boolean false allow database permission for select
allowedInsert boolean false allow database permission for insert
allowedUpdate boolean false allow database permission for update
allowedDelete boolean false allow database permission for delete
allowedAlter boolean false allow database permission for alter
allowedDrop boolean false allow database permission for drop
allowedRevoke boolean false allow database permission for revoke
allowedCreate boolean false allow database permission for create
allowedGrant boolean false allow database permission for grant
custom struct false
customUseUnicode boolean false Should the driver use Unicode character encodings when handling strings?
customCharacterEncoding string false Should only be used when the driver can't determine the character set mapping, or you are trying to 'force' the driver to use a character set that MySQL either doesn't natively support (such as UTF-8)If it is set to true, what character encoding should the driver use when dealing with strings?
customUseOldAliasMetadataBehavior boolean false Should the driver use the legacy behavior for "AS" clauses on columns and tables, and only return aliases (if any) rather than the original column/table name? In 5.0.x, the default value was true.
customAllowMultiQueries boolean false Allow the use of ";" to delimit multiple queries during one statement
customZeroDateTimeBehavior string false What should happen when the driver encounters DATETIME values that are composed entirely of zeroes (used by MySQL to represent invalid dates)? Valid values are "exception", "round" and "convertToNull"
customAutoReconnect boolean false Should the driver try to re-establish stale and/or dead connections?
customJdbcCompliantTruncation boolean false If set to false then values for table fields are automatically truncated so that they fit into the field.
customTinyInt1isBit boolean false if set to "true" (default) tinyInt(1) is converted to a bit value otherwise as integer.
customUseLegacyDatetimeCode boolean false Use code for DATE/TIME/DATETIME/TIMESTAMP handling in result sets and statements
requestExclusive boolean false Use to keep DB connections open, using 'Exclusive connections for request' checkbox, in the Lucee Server Admin
update general datasource settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
psq boolean false if set to true, lucee preserves all single quotes within a query tag and escapes them
updates the debugging settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
debug boolean false sets whether debugging is enabled
database boolean false this option sets to log the database activity for the SQL Query events and Stored Procedure events.
queryUsage boolean false this option sets to log the query usage information.
exception boolean false this option sets to log the all exceptions raised for the request.
tracing boolean false this option sets to log the trace event information.
dump boolean false this option sets to enable output produced with help of the tag cfdump and send to debugging.
timer boolean false this option sets to show timer event information.
implicitAccess boolean false this option sets to log all accesses to scopes, queries and threads that happens implicit (cascaded).
thread boolean false this option sets to log all child threads
creates/updates a debug entry.


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
label string true label for the debugging template entry
type string false type of the debugging template entry
ipRange string false ip range for the debugging template entry
custom struct false a struct contains all the custom fields for debugging template entry
updates the debug log settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
maxLogs numeric true defines maximum no.of logs
update the default password.


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
newPassword string true the new password to set.


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
setting boolean false The settings (regional,component and scope) can be changed in the "web administrator"
file string false Defines how Lucee can interact with the local filesystem in a web context.
direct_java_access boolean false Allows access to Java methods and properties from the Lucee code
mail boolean false The mail settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
datasource string false Defines how many datasources can be added in the "web administrator".
mapping boolean false Allows adding, removing and updating of mappings in the "web administrator".
remote boolean false It allows the settings in the administrator to be synchronized with other Lucee contexts
custom_tag boolean false The custom tag settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
cfx_setting boolean false The settings for the cfx tags can be changed. The globally defined CFX tags defined in the "server administrator" can be used as well.
cfx_usage boolean false CFX tags one can load Java classes which might have full access to the local hosts system.
debugging boolean false The debugging settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
tag_execute boolean false This tag is used to execute a process on the local hosts system
tag_import boolean false This tag can be used to import JSP and Lucee tag libraries
tag_object boolean false The tag CFObject and the function CreateObject you can load Java objects. If disabled, you only can create objects of type "component"
tag_registry boolean false The tag CFRegistry you have full access to the registry of the local hosts system
cache boolean false The cache settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
gateway boolean false The gateway settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
orm boolean false The ORM settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
access_read string false define the access for reading data
access_write string false define the access for writing data
search boolean false The search settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
scheduled_task boolean false The scheduled task settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
file_access array false define additional directories where file access is allowed
update the details about error


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
template500 string false specifies template that will be invoked in case of an error
template404 string false specifies template that will be invoked in case of a missing error
statuscode boolean false specifies status code to enable or not
updates(install/upgrade/downgrade) a specific extension.


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true id of the extension
version string false version of the extension
updates extension provider for current context.


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
url string true URL to the Extension Provider (Example:
updates a gateway entry


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true id of the gateway
startupMode string true mode of operation at startup, possible values are [automatic,manual,disabled]
class string false class for the gateway
cfcPath string false path to the component of the gateway
listenerCfcPath string false Path to the Component that is listening to the Gateways action
custom struct false structure contains custom fields for the specific gateway
updates the CPPCFX tags


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true specifies the name of the javaCFX tag
class string true specifies the class of javaCFX tag to update


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
label string true new label for the web context.
hash string true hash for the web context to be updated.
updates the login settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
rememberMe boolean false Allow "Remember Me" functionality.
captcha boolean false Use Captcha in the login to make sure the form is submitted by a human.
delay numeric false Sets the delay between login attempts. This is a global setting for all user requests.
updates the log settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true specifies the name of the log to update
level string false
appenderClass string false specifies the appender class to display the log
layoutClass string false specifies the layout format to display
appenderArgs struct false specifies the structure of appender class
layoutArgs struct false specifies the structure of layout class
updates a specific mail server defined for current context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
host string true Mail server host name (for example
port string true Port of the mail server (for example 587).
username string false Username of the mail server.
password string false Password of the mail server.
tls boolean false Enable Transport Layer Security.
ssl boolean false Enable secure connections via SSL.
life timespan false Overall timeout for the connections established to the mail server.
idle timespan false Idle timeout for the connections established to the mail server.
updates the mail settings for current context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
defaultEncoding string false Default encoding used for mail servers
spoolEnable boolean false If enabled, the mails are sent in a background thread and the main request does not have to wait until the mails are sent.
timeOut numeric false Time in seconds that the Task Manager waits to send a single mail, when the time is reached the Task Manager stops the thread and the mail gets moved to unsent folder, where the Task Manager will pick it up later to try to send it again.
updates/inserts a specific mapping for current context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true virtual name for the mapping
physical string false physical path for the mapping
archive string false archive path for the mapping, if needed.
primary string false type of mapping ( physical/archive )
inspect string false type of inspection for the mapping(never/once/always/"").
update the ORM engine details


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
class string true specifies the class name of ORM engine to update
bundleName string false specifies the bundle name of ORM
bundleVersion string false specifies the bundle version of ORM
updates ORM settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
autoGenMap boolean false Specifies whether Lucee should automatically generate mapping for the persistent CFCs.
eventHandling boolean false Specifies whether ORM Event callbacks should be given.
flushAtRequestEnd boolean false Specifies whether ormflush should be called automatically at request end.
logSQL boolean false Specifies whether the SQL queries that are executed by ORM will be logged.
boolean any false
useDBForMapping boolean false Specifies whether the database has to be inspected to identify the missing information required to generate the Hibernate mapping.
catalog string false Specifies the default Catalog that should be used by ORM.
cfcLocation string false Specifies the directory that should be used to search for persistent CFCs to generate the mapping.
dbCreate string false Specifies whether Lucee should automatically generate mapping for the persistent CFCs, possible values are [none,update,dropcreate]
schema string false Specifies the default Schema that should be used by ORM.
updates output settings for current context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
cfmlWriter string true Whitespace management in lucee Output settings
suppressContent boolean false suppressContent in lucee Output settings
allowCompression boolean false allowCompression in lucee Output settings
bufferOutput boolean false bufferOutput in lucee Output settings
updates the password for administrator


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
oldPassword string true existing password for administrator
newPassword string true new password for administrator
updates server caching settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
inspectTemplate string true sets the type of inspection for files inside the template cache
typeChecking boolean false If disabled, Lucee ignores type definitions with function arguments and return values
updates the concurrent request handling settings.


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
max numeric false limits the max number of concurrent requests.
timeout numeric false timeout for a request in concurrent request queue.
enable boolean false enable or disable concurrent request queue.
updates the regional settings of current context


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
timezone string false timezone used for this context, this can be for example "gmt+1" or "Europe/Zurich", use the function "getAvailableTimeZones" to get a list of available timezones
locale string false the locale used for this context, this can be for example "de_ch", use the function getAvailableLocales() to get a list of all possible locales.
timeserver string false timeserver used for this context, this can be for example ""
usetimeserver boolean false defines if the timeserver is used or not
updates a rest mapping


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
virtual string true virtual name for the rest mapping
physical string true physical directory for the rest mapping
default boolean false Whether this mapping is default for rest
updates rest mapping settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
list boolean false enable list Services when "/rest/" is called
updates scope settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
scopeCascadingType string false Depending on this setting Lucee scans certain scopes to find a variable called from the CFML source.
allowImplicidQueryCall boolean false When a variable has no scope defined, Lucee will search available result sets (CFML Standard) or not.
mergeFormAndUrl boolean false Defines if the scopes URL and Form will be merged together. If a key already exists in Form and URL Scopes, the value from the Form Scope is used.
sessionManagement boolean false Enable or disable session management.
clientManagement boolean false Enable or disable client management.
domainCookies boolean false Enable or disable domain cookies.
clientCookies boolean false Enable or disable client cookies.
clientTimeout timespan false Sets the amount of time Lucee will keep the client scope alive.
sessionTimeout timespan false Sets the amount of time Lucee will keep the session scope alive.
clientStorage string false Default storage for client, can be either [memory,file,cookie or any datasources or any caches defined]
sessionStorage string false Default storage for session, can be either [memory,file,cookie or any datasources or any caches defined]
applicationTimeout timespan false Sets the amount of time Lucee will keep the application scope alive.
sessionType string false type of session handled by lucee, can be either [application,jee]
localMode string false Defines how the local scope of a function is invoked when a variable with no scope definition is used, can be either [classic,modern]
cgiReadonly boolean false Defines whether the CGI Scope is read only or not.


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
id string true id of the web context
setting boolean false The settings (regional,component and scope) can be changed in the "web administrator"
file string false Defines how Lucee can interact with the local filesystem in a web context.
direct_java_access boolean false Allows access to Java methods and properties from the Lucee code
mail boolean false The mail settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
datasource string false Defines how many datasources can be added in the "web administrator".
mapping boolean false Allows adding, removing and updating of mappings in the "web administrator".
remote boolean false It allows the settings in the administrator to be synchronized with other Lucee contexts
custom_tag boolean false The custom tag settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
cfx_setting boolean false The settings for the cfx tags can be changed. The globally defined CFX tags defined in the "server administrator" can be used as well.
cfx_usage boolean false CFX tags one can load Java classes which might have full access to the local hosts system.
debugging boolean false The debugging settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
tag_execute boolean false This tag is used to execute a process on the local hosts system
tag_import boolean false This tag can be used to import JSP and Lucee tag libraries
tag_object boolean false The tag CFObject and the function CreateObject you can load Java objects. If disabled, you only can create objects of type "component"
tag_registry boolean false The tag CFRegistry you have full access to the registry of the local hosts system
cache boolean false The cache settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
gateway boolean false The gateway settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
orm boolean false The ORM settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
access_read string false define the access for reading data
access_write string false define the access for writing data
search boolean false The search settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
scheduled_task boolean false The scheduled task settings can be changed in the "web administrator"
file_access array false define additional directories where file access is allowed
update the SSL certificates


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
host string true specifies the host server name
port numeric false specifies the port number of the host server
update the task settings


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
maxThreads numeric true specifies the maximum number of parallel threads used to execute tasks at the same time
updates the update details


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
type string true specifies the type of the update
location string true specifies the location to update
verifies whether cache has connection or not


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true specifies the name of the cache to be verified
verifies whether it is CFX tag or not


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true specifies the name of the tag to verify
verifies whether it is datasource or not


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true name of the datasource to be verified
dbusername string true username of the database
dbpassword string true password of the database
verifies whether it is an extension provider or not


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
url string true URL to the Extension Provider (Example:
verifies whether it is javaCFX tag or not


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name string true specifies the name of the javaCFXtag to verify
class string true class name for the javaCFX
bundleName string false bundle name for the javaCFX
bundleVersion string false bundle version for the javaCFX
verifies whether it is mail server or not


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
hostname string true name of the host server to be verified
port string true port number of the host
mailusername string true username of the mail
mailpassword string true password of the mail