Lucee Function Reference


Generates a ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier), a 128-bit identifier where the first 48 bits are a timestamp representing milliseconds since the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01), ensuring temporal ordering. The remaining 80 bits are populated by a secure random number generator, contributing to the identifier's uniqueness. The output is a 26-character string in its canonical representation. This function can operate in three modes specified by the 'type' argument: 'empty' for standard ULID generation, 'monotonic' to ensure sequential IDs even in rapid succession, and 'hash' to generate a ULID based on hashed input values.


createulid([string type,[number input1,[string input2]]]):string


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Default Value Description
type string  No Specifies the generation mode of the ULID. If not defined, a standard ULID is generated. 'monotonic' ensures ULIDs increase monotonically, suitable for ensuring order in rapid generation scenarios. 'hash' mode generates a ULID based on hashing the provided inputs, useful for creating deterministic identifiers.  
input1 number  No Used in conjunction with the 'hash' type, this numeric input contributes to the generation of a deterministic ULID by influencing its random component.  
input2 string  No Similar to 'input1', this string input is utilized only in the 'hash' mode to further seed the ULID's random component, enabling the creation of a deterministic ULID based on the hash of the inputs.